This was the biggest transformation in our house. We bought the house with carpet in the master bathroom and lots of brass, outdated features. I will admit that the design process was not easy. I went around in circles for a while with all the decisions. New bathub or keep existing? What kind of statement am I going for with the tile? What is the best resale value?
Since this house isnt our final destination, we are always thinking about what would be best for resale. I didn't want to go too modern/trendy with the fixtures because I didn't know when I was going to sell the house (it could be 2 years, it could be 10!). We also live in an older neighborhood so I wanted to make sure that I didn't pick things out that were younger looking, but I also wannted to love it.
You can see my dilemma.
Anyway, I finally decided on this beautiful Queen Beige marble from The Tile Shop.
We did not do a claw foot tub for many reasons. First, they lose a lot of heat. Second, it was going to be over $4,000 just for the tub, never mind the install. Since this wasn't where we were staying forever I decided to tile over instead. I looked at many million dollar homes in our area (more than our house is worth) and they had done the same so I figured we were safe.
All of the sources are below. Let me know if you have any questions!
Tile- The Tile Shop
Shower door- Local glass company
Blinds- Home Depot
Vanity and countertop- custom from Lowes
Lighting- Home Depot
Bath Faucet- Ferguson
I will post an update with accessories soon! Stay tuned!